CRT 2025
Heart Failure
Heart Failure Summit Saturday Session One
Mark R. Hofmeyer, MD, FACC
Attending Physician - Advanced Heart Failure
Associate Professor - Georgetown University School of Medicine
MedStar Health
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Mandeep R. Mehra, MD, MSc, FRCP
William Harvey Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Needham, Minnesota, United States
Disclosure(s): Abbott Labs: Consultant (Ongoing), Grant/Research Support (Ongoing); Cadrenal: Consultant (Ongoing); Fineheart: Consultant (Ongoing), Ownership Interest (stocks, stock options, patent or other intellectual property or other ownership interest excluding diversified mutual funds) (Ongoing); FIRE-1: Consultant (Ongoing); leviticus: Consultant (Ongoing), Ownership Interest (stocks, stock options, patent or other intellectual property or other ownership interest excluding diversified mutual funds) (Ongoing); Moderna: Consultant (Ongoing); NupulseCV: Consultant (Ongoing), Ownership Interest (stocks, stock options, patent or other intellectual property or other ownership interest excluding diversified mutual funds) (Ongoing); Paragonix Therapeutics, Inc.: Consultant (Ongoing); TransMedics (Organ Transplant ) TMDX : NASDQ: Consultant (Ongoing), Stock-publicly held company (excluding mutual/index funds) (Ongoing)
Ileana L. Pina, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine
Thomas Jefferson University
Cleveland hts, Ohio, United States
Disclosure information not submitted.
Jacob Abraham, MD
Section Head, Advanced Heart Failure
Providence heart Institute
Portland, Oregon, United States
Disclosure information not submitted.
Jonathan Grinstein, MD
Advanced Heart Failure, Mechanical Circulatory Support and Cardiac Transplantation Physician
University of Chicago
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Bethesda, MD, United States
Disclosure information not submitted.
Manreet Kanwar, MD
Disclosure information not submitted.
Phillip H. Lam, MD
Advanced Heart Failure Cardiologist
MedStar Health
Disclosure information not submitted.
Director of Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
Ellicott City, Maryland, United States
Disclosure information not submitted.