Regulatory Affairs
HighLife / Margaret Inc
St Augustine, Florida, United States
Dr. Kayo has over 20 years of experience as a scientist and leader in regulatory affairs in combination products, medical devices and pharmaceutical/biological products. She focuses on scientific approaches to developing strategic regulatory pathways to market in global geographies. She serves as the Vice President of Regulatory at HighLife Medical. In addition, Margaret is a member of the 2025 EuroPCR Innovator's Day Steering Committee and MDIC-EFS Executive Committee; and holds the position of Vice Chair of the University of Florida MSENE External Advisory Board. Margaret has an MBA from the University of California-Irvine, with emphasis on strategy, and BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees from the University of Florida Materials Sciences and Engineering Department, with her dissertation research centered on drug delivery from and surface modification of implantable biomaterials.
Disclosure(s): HighLifeSAS: Employee (Ongoing); JenaValve Technology Inc: Consulting Fees (e.g., advisory boards) (Ongoing)
Panel Discussion: Innovative Technology Headwinds and Tailwinds
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
8:32 AM – 8:50 AM ET
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
11:42 AM – 12:15 PM ET